Thrive Coach Training

Module 21: Tool #20 Peace for Myself


The purpose of the Peace for Myself tool is to empower your Thriver to be kind and loving towards themselves and to make peace with him or herself.

All too often we are hard on ourselves or judge ourselves for our shortcomings, faults or ‘not enough-ness’. The Peace for Myself tool will help your Thriver to shift their focus on their perceived negative qualities or actions and instead focus on those positive and loving aspects about themselves and their lives.


Share with your Thriver that it’s actually natural to be critical of ourselves and, sometimes, to sabotage ourselves. We’re all trying the best we can and sometimes we can feel that it’s not enough or that ‘I’m not enough’.

Invite your Thriver to write and sign their very own peace ‘treaty’, a statement or several sentences that demonstrate how they can be at peace with themselves and their lives.

Here are several ‘Peace for Myself’ examples:

1. I will listen. I choose to be aware over hiding.

2. I will be kind. I choose love over hate.

3. I will ‘drop the rope’. I choose ease over struggle.

4. I will watch with compassion and gently question.

5. I will say ‘no’ when I need to and say ‘yes’ to me over compromising my values.

6. I will believe in me and my ability to focus on what I want.

7. I WILL achieve my goals.

8. I am worthy. I am deserving.

9. I will play, laugh and have fun.

10. I will be me! I choose to live authentically me 100% over trying to be something I am not.

Share any or all of the above examples with your Thriver and then invite him or her to write their own Peace for Myself ‘manifesto’. Invite your Thriver to put their manifesto somewhere where they see it often.

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