Thrive Coach Training

Module 2: Tool #1 Embracing Change (CBAM: Concern based adoption model)


The purpose of this tool is to provide the young adults you coach with an understanding of change and how change is an ongoing process with different levels of ‘concern’ and action, rather than just a final destination to which you have to ‘power through’. Your role when choosing to use this tool with your Thriver is to:


Here are the six levels of concern as adapted for coaching purposes from the Concern Based Adoption Model (CBAM):

1. Awareness is the initial stage when your Thriver first becomes aware of the  issue they want to address or the change they want to instigate in their life. The Thriver would previously have been unaware of the issue / situation, so this initial step of becoming aware of something can be a huge ‘achievement’ all on its own. Becoming aware of something can be a cause of concern, but can also be a cause of celebration too. You cannot change something unless you are aware of it!

2. Understanding is the stage where your Thriver starts to understand and think through (with your support as their Thrive Coach) the steps they need to take to be able to make the change they want to make. This stage is also about a Thriver understanding that change is a process (not a destination), and that different emotions about the change they are making will surface, both positive and negative. The change they want to make is starting to take shape and with your support, your Thriver can start to chart their steps and understand and navigate their feelings about it.

3. First implementation is just that: the first step your Thriver will take or the first time they will try something. This can be scary! Part of your role as their Thrive Coach is to help them meet any fear with compassion and engage a sense of excitement and curiosity. This is also the space where the new thing or step taken can feel especially hard (because it’s new and unknown) or your Thriver quite simply fails, in which case you can help them navigate that failure.

4. Routine. Not routine as in boring, but routine as in ‘hey, I’m getting the hang of this!’. This is when the steps taken are starting to feel less hard and more rewarding and the desired change is ‘sinking in’. This can also be a time when your Thriver realizes that there may be some things they can refine or do a bit differently, which leads them to…

5. Refinement is the point at which adjustments and improvements are made. Can the steps they are taking and the change your Thriver is making be improved in any way? Is there something they can do to help them cement the change in more firmly and ‘fun-ly’?

6. Replication is the final stage when your Thriver keeps doing what they’re doing! The change your Thriver wanted to make has become a solid and positive part of their life, one that may help them to move on to making another positive change.

 If your Thriver is a visual person and responds to images, this Embracing Change tool can be described as a ladder:


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